import { Engine3D, LitMaterial, MeshRenderer, Object3D, Scene3D, View3D, Object3DUtil, Vector3, AtmosphericComponent, DirectLight, CameraUtil, HoverCameraController, PlaneGeometry, GPUCullMode, Color } from "@orillusion/core";
import { Stats } from "@orillusion/stats";
import { ActivationState, CollisionShapeUtil, DebugDrawMode, FixedConstraint, HingeConstraint, Physics, PointToPointConstraint, Rigidbody, SliderConstraint, ClothSoftbody, RopeSoftbody } from "@orillusion/physics";
import dat from "dat.gui";
import { Graphic3D } from "@orillusion/graphic";
* Sample class demonstrating the use of multiple constraints in a physics simulation.
class Sample_MultipleConstraints {
scene: Scene3D;
gui: dat.GUI;
async run() {
// init physics and engine
await Physics.init({ useSoftBody: true, useDrag: true });
await Engine3D.init({ renderLoop: () => Physics.update() });
this.gui = new dat.GUI();
this.scene = new Scene3D();
// 在引擎启动后初始化物理调试功能,需要为调试器传入 graphic3D 对象
const graphic3D = new Graphic3D();
Physics.initDebugDrawer(graphic3D, {
enable: false,
debugDrawMode: DebugDrawMode.DrawConstraintLimits
let camera = CameraUtil.createCamera3DObject(this.scene);
camera.perspective(60, Engine3D.aspect, 0.1, 800.0);
camera.object3D.addComponent(HoverCameraController).setCamera(60, -25, 50);
// create directional light
let light = new Object3D();
light.localRotation = new Vector3(36, -130, 60);
let dl = light.addComponent(DirectLight);
dl.castShadow = true;
dl.intensity = 3;
// init sky
this.scene.addComponent(AtmosphericComponent).sunY = 0.6;
let view = new View3D(); = camera;
view.scene = this.scene;
// Create ground, turntable, and chains
// Create impactor and softBody
let impactorRb = this.createImpactor();
private physicsDebug() {
let physicsFolder = this.gui.addFolder('PhysicsDebug');
physicsFolder.add(Physics.debugDrawer, 'enable');
physicsFolder.add(Physics.debugDrawer, 'debugMode', Physics.debugDrawer.debugModeList);
physicsFolder.add(Physics, 'isStop');
physicsFolder.add({ hint: "Drag dynamic rigid bodies with the mouse." }, "hint");;
private async createGround() {
// Create ground
let ground = Object3DUtil.GetSingleCube(80, 2, 20, 1, 1, 1);
ground.y = -1; // Set ground half-height
// Add rigidbody to ground
let groundRb = ground.addComponent(Rigidbody);
groundRb.shape = CollisionShapeUtil.createBoxShape(ground);
groundRb.mass = 0;
private createImpactor(): Rigidbody {
// Create shelves
const shelfSize = 0.5;
const shelfHeight = 5;
let shelfLeft = Object3DUtil.GetCube();
shelfLeft.localScale = new Vector3(shelfSize, shelfHeight, shelfSize);
shelfLeft.localPosition = new Vector3(-30, shelfHeight / 2, 0);
let shelfRight = shelfLeft.clone();
shelfRight.localPosition = new Vector3(30, shelfHeight / 2, 0);
let shelfTop = Object3DUtil.GetCube();
shelfTop.localScale = new Vector3(60 - shelfSize, shelfSize, shelfSize);
shelfTop.localPosition = new Vector3(0, shelfHeight - shelfSize / 2, 0);
// Add rigidbodies to shelves
let shelfRightRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(shelfRight, 0);
let shelfLeftRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(shelfLeft, 0);
this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(shelfTop, 0);
// Create slider
let slider = Object3DUtil.GetSingleCube(4, 1, 1, Math.random(), Math.random(), Math.random());
// Add rigidbody to slider
let sliderRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(slider, 500, true, [0.2, 0]);
// Create Impactor
let impactor = Object3DUtil.GetCube();
impactor.localScale = new Vector3(1, 1, 5);
impactor.localPosition = new Vector3(0, shelfHeight - shelfSize / 2, 3);
let impactorRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(impactor, 200, true);
// Create fixed constraint to attach slider to impactor
let fixedConstraint = slider.addComponent(FixedConstraint);
fixedConstraint.targetRigidbody = impactorRb;
fixedConstraint.pivotTarget = new Vector3(0, 0, -3);
// Create slider constraint
let sliderConstraint = shelfTop.addComponent(SliderConstraint);
sliderConstraint.targetRigidbody = sliderRb;
sliderConstraint.lowerLinLimit = -30;
sliderConstraint.upperLinLimit = 30;
sliderConstraint.lowerAngLimit = 0;
sliderConstraint.upperAngLimit = 0;
sliderConstraint.poweredLinMotor = true;
sliderConstraint.maxLinMotorForce = 1;
sliderConstraint.targetLinMotorVelocity = 20;
// Setup slider motor event controller
this.sliderMotorEventController(shelfLeftRb, shelfRightRb, sliderConstraint);
return impactorRb;
private sliderMotorEventController(leftRb: Rigidbody, rightRb: Rigidbody, slider: SliderConstraint) {
// Control slider movement based on collision events
const timer = { pauseDuration: 1000 };
leftRb.collisionEvent = () => {
rightRb.enableCollisionEvent = true;
leftRb.enableCollisionEvent = false;
setTimeout(() => {
slider.targetLinMotorVelocity = Math.abs(slider.targetLinMotorVelocity);
setTimeout(() => leftRb.enableCollisionEvent = true, 1000);
}, timer.pauseDuration);
rightRb.collisionEvent = () => {
rightRb.enableCollisionEvent = false;
leftRb.enableCollisionEvent = true;
setTimeout(() => {
slider.targetLinMotorVelocity = -Math.abs(slider.targetLinMotorVelocity);
setTimeout(() => rightRb.enableCollisionEvent = true, 1000);
}, timer.pauseDuration);
// GUI controls for slider motor
let folder = this.gui.addFolder('Slider Motor Controller');;
folder.add(slider, 'poweredLinMotor');
folder.add(slider, 'maxLinMotorForce', 0, 30, 1);
folder.add({ velocity: slider.targetLinMotorVelocity }, 'velocity', 0, 30, 1).onChange(v => {
slider.targetLinMotorVelocity = slider.targetLinMotorVelocity > 0 ? v : -v;
folder.add(timer, 'pauseDuration', 0, 3000, 1000);
private createTurntable() {
// Create turntable components
const columnWidth = 0.5;
const columnHeight = 4.75 - columnWidth / 2;
const columnDepth = 0.5;
let column = Object3DUtil.GetCube();
column.localScale = new Vector3(columnWidth, columnHeight, columnDepth);
column.localPosition = new Vector3(0, columnHeight / 2, 8);
this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(column, 0); // Add rigidbodies to turntable components
// Create arm compound shape
let armParent = new Object3D();
armParent.localPosition = new Vector3(0, columnHeight + columnWidth / 2, 8);
let armChild1 = Object3DUtil.GetCube();
armChild1.rotationY = 45;
armChild1.localScale = new Vector3(10, 0.5, 0.5);
let armChild2 = armChild1.clone();
armChild2.rotationY = 135;
let armRigidbody = armParent.addComponent(Rigidbody);
armRigidbody.shape = CollisionShapeUtil.createCompoundShapeFromObject(armParent);
armRigidbody.mass = 500;
armRigidbody.activationState = ActivationState.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION;
// Create hinge constraint to attach arm1 to column
let hinge = column.addComponent(HingeConstraint);
hinge.targetRigidbody = armRigidbody;
hinge.pivotSelf.set(0, columnHeight / 2 + columnWidth / 2, 0);
hinge.enableAngularMotor(true, 5, 50);
private createChains() {
const chainHeight = 1;
let chainLink = Object3DUtil.GetCube();
chainLink.localScale = new Vector3(0.25, chainHeight, 0.25);
chainLink.localPosition = new Vector3(5, 16, 5);
// Add static rigidbody to the first chain link
let chainRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(chainLink, 0);
let prevRb = chainRb;
// Create chain links and add point-to-point constraints
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
let link = chainLink.clone();
link.y -= (i + 1) * chainHeight;
let linkRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(link, 1, false, [0.3, 0.3]);
linkRb.isSilent = true; // Disable collision events
let p2p = link.addComponent(PointToPointConstraint);
p2p.targetRigidbody = prevRb;
p2p.pivotTarget.y = -chainHeight / 2;
p2p.pivotSelf.y = chainHeight / 2;
prevRb = linkRb;
// Create a sphere and add point-to-point constraint to the last chain link
const sphereRadius = 0.8;
let sphere = Object3DUtil.GetSingleSphere(sphereRadius, 1, 1, 1);
let sphereMaterial = (sphere.getComponent(MeshRenderer).material as LitMaterial);
sphere.localPosition = new Vector3(5, 4.5, 5);
let sphereRb = sphere.addComponent(Rigidbody);
sphereRb.shape = CollisionShapeUtil.createSphereShape(sphere);
sphereRb.mass = 2;
sphereRb.damping = [0.3, 0.3];
sphereRb.enablePhysicsTransformSync = true;
// Sphere collision event to change color
let timer: number | null = null;
sphereRb.collisionEvent = () => {
if (timer !== null) clearTimeout(timer);
else sphereMaterial.baseColor = new Color(Color.SALMON);
timer = setTimeout(() => {
sphereMaterial.baseColor = Color.COLOR_WHITE;
timer = null;
}, 1000);
let p2p = sphere.addComponent(PointToPointConstraint);
p2p.disableCollisionsBetweenLinkedBodies = true;
p2p.targetRigidbody = prevRb;
p2p.pivotTarget.y = -chainHeight / 2;
p2p.pivotSelf.y = sphereRadius;
private createClothSoftbody(anchorRb: Rigidbody) {
const cloth = new Object3D();
let meshRenderer = cloth.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
meshRenderer.geometry = new PlaneGeometry(3, 3, 10, 10, Vector3.X_AXIS); // Set the plane direction to determine the four corners
let material = new LitMaterial();
material.baseMap = Engine3D.res.redTexture;
material.cullMode = GPUCullMode.none;
meshRenderer.material = material;
// Add cloth softbody component
let softBody = cloth.addComponent(ClothSoftbody);
softBody.mass = 5;
softBody.margin = 0.1;
softBody.anchorRigidbody = anchorRb; // Anchor rigidbody
softBody.anchorIndices = ['leftTop', 'top', 'rightTop']; // Anchor points
softBody.influence = 1; // Attachment influence
softBody.disableCollision = false; // Enable collision with rigidbody
softBody.anchorPosition = new Vector3(0, -2.1, 0); // Relative position to anchor
softBody.wait().then(btSoftbody => {
// native softbody API
let sbConfig = btSoftbody.get_m_cfg(); // configure softbody parameters
private createRopeSoftbody(headRb: Rigidbody) {
const box = Object3DUtil.GetSingleCube(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);
box.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 10, 0);
let tailRb = this.addBoxShapeRigidBody(box, 1, true, [0.2, 0.2]);
const rope = new Object3D();
let mr = rope.addComponent(MeshRenderer);
let startPos = new Vector3(0, 4.75, 3);
let endPos = new Vector3(0, 10, 0);
mr.geometry = RopeSoftbody.buildRopeGeometry(10, startPos, endPos);
mr.material = new LitMaterial();
mr.material.topology = 'line-list';
// Add rope softbody component
let softBody = rope.addComponent(RopeSoftbody);
softBody.mass = 1;
softBody.elasticity = 0.1;
softBody.anchorRigidbodyHead = headRb;
softBody.anchorOffsetHead = new Vector3(0, -0.5, 2.1);
softBody.anchorRigidbodyTail = tailRb;
softBody.anchorOffsetTail = new Vector3(0, 0.5, 0);
private addBoxShapeRigidBody(obj: Object3D, mass: number, disableHibernation?: boolean, damping?: [number, number]) {
let rigidbody = obj.addComponent(Rigidbody);
rigidbody.shape = CollisionShapeUtil.createBoxShape(obj);
rigidbody.mass = mass;
if (disableHibernation) rigidbody.activationState = ActivationState.DISABLE_DEACTIVATION;
if (damping) rigidbody.damping = damping;
return rigidbody;
new Sample_MultipleConstraints().run();