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Object3D in a built-in entity in the engine, which is usually used as a basic component container, and can be used to implement different functions by combining different components.


By default, Object3D has a built-in component Transform, which only retains the basic function of being a container when no other components are attached, and can be used as a parent node to add or combine other Object3D.

Object3D provides a series of methods that can easily add or find child objects and the components attached to them, and can also establish connections with other components through code.

State of Node

When you initialize an Object3D object, it is displayed by default. You can change the state of the node by the transform.enable attribute. If set to false, this will disable this node and all child node objects of this node. Also all components attached to these nodes will also stop calling.

let obj = new Object3D();
obj.transform.enable = false; //Hide the node and all child nodes

Add and Remove a Node

To add a child node, use addChild method.
To delete a child node, use removeChild method.
To remove a child node at with specific index, use removeChildByIndex method.
To remove this from the parent, use removeFromParent method.
To remove all child nodes, use removeAllChild method.

let parent = new Object3D();
let child = new Object3D();
//Add a child node
//Remove the node
//Or remove the child node by itself
//Or remove all child nodes

Add and Remove Components

Using the built-in addComponent and removeComponent methods of Object3D, you can easily add and remove components when calling them.

let obj = new Object3D();
//Add a parallel light component to the node
let dl = obj.addComponent(DirectLight);
//Remove the component

Get Component Node

All the components are extended from ComponentBase, and you can get the current component through the this.object3D property inside the component.

//Custom component, to increase the X-axis position of the node by 10
class CustomComponent extends ComponentBase {
    public start() {
        this.object3D.x += 10;

Get Other Components of Node

Using the built-in getComponent method of Object3D, you can easily get the components on the node.

//Customize a component, to change another light component on the node, change the color of the light
class CustomComponent extends ComponentBase {
    public start() {
        let light = this.object3D.getComponent(DirectLight)
        light.lightColor = new Color(1, 0, 0);
let obj = new Object3D();

Get Child Node

Using getChildByIndex method, you can get the child node by the order of the child node hierarchy. Using getChildByName method, you can get the child node by the name of the child node.

Traverse all child nodes

Using forChild method, you can traverse all child nodes under the current node, including the child nodes of the child nodes, and complete the specific operation through the callback function.

// Traverse all child nodes and execute the callback
    // Specific operation logic

Release Object

Using destroy method, you can release relative resources of current node, including the Object3D itself and all components added to this node。However, by dafault, the materials, geometries, and texture resources required in rendering processes will not be released along with the node, as multiple objects may be sharing the same material and geometry or the resources may be needed for future scenes. If you want to release all resources, you generally need to manually release the rendering objects.

// create object
let obj = new Object3D();
// add MeshRenderer component
let mr = obj.addComponent(MeshRenderer)
let geometry = mr.geometry = new BoxGeometry()
let material = mr.material = new LitMaterial()

// destroy the obj
obj.destroy() // but this won't release the geometry and material object
geometry.destroy() // call destory geometry manually
material.destroy() // call destory material manually

You can use the destroy(true) with additional parameter to forcibly destroy all related resources of the node.


If the rendering objects are being shared, forcing deletion may trigger engine errors and cause rendering failure.

let obj1 = new Object3D();
let obj2 = new Object3D();

// crate geometry and material
let metry = new BoxGeometry()
let material = new LitMaterial()

// set MeshRenderer to objects and share geometry and material objects
let mr1 = obj1.addComponent(MeshRenderer)
let mr2 = obj2.addComponent(MeshRenderer)
mr1.geometry = mr2.geometry = geometry
mr2.material = mr2.material = material

// will throw errors and stop rendering if destroyed the shared geo/mat
obj1.detroy(true) // this could force release geometry and material

See Object3D API for more details.

Released under the MIT License